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"We are at the edge of the technology to improve our customers experience"

The Project

Since we launch Breeders App we are continuously working to provide the best service to our customers

By the time to arrived to USA we launch a branch here and we work even harder to have the best product to offer to our customers. Base on this premise, we developed a BAR-CODE reader and scanner to speed up the uploading of a horse's data and to reduce the time consuming of keep the History Record updated in a very quickly manner.

  • Unique system with BAR-CODE SCANNER
  • Quick and faster way to work
  • SCAN the vendor's medicines descriptions

Main Features!

Our application provides a way to work completely different compared with other software availables on the market today.
Breeders APP ® is a new concept in controlling horse breeding.

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    Easy way to upload History Clinic Records just simple scanning Horse Bar-Codes and vaccines vendros bar-codes. You can access to the full history clinic of a horse juts acanning a bar-code with your mobile. Breeders App has a Bar-Code generator that allows you to have a unique horse ID. In this way, you can have a full History Clinic Record of any single horse without loosing your time

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    Feeding and Training

    Plan your seasonal feeding and training program in just a few minutes and save yearly statistics to keep track of your horses' performance. Print your meal and training plan in handy PDF sheets for control and monitoring of all personnel assigned to your horses. Easy and functional system to know the sporting performance of your horses.

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    Emails with tasks and automatic reminders.

    Receive in your email box, the activities carried out in your horse farm / establishment. Also get the reminders of activities has made in advance, to have control of all tasks.

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    Movements of horses, foals and recipients.

    Know at all times where are your horses, keep remit records of your horse and recipients and have the history of all their movements.

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    Horses Clinic History.

    Have the medical records of all your horses, vaccination records and other activities. Have access to images of X-rays and Echograpics.

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    Individual and Group actions of horses.

    Schedule and track all vaccination actions, shoeing, etc ... of their horses, keeping registration and carry a calendar with reminders of your activities.

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    My-Clients Access

    Quickly and easy way to provide Breeders App's access to your clients so that they can have on real time all the information & performance of their horses. Specialy design for clients who have left horses at your care at your farm or stable. This way your clients can have fast access from any place to both, the clinical history (dates, vaccines, shoeing, trimming) as well as the feeding and training plan.

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    Health Book with due dates.

    Take control of vaccines and due dates as well as of the existence and location of health books of your horses quickly and safely.

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    Reports and Records snapshots.

    Quickly get the report you need in Adobe PDF quality presentation. Get instant sheet of the selected product and similarly, in one click, generate the PDF with all the medical history of the selected product including all of its history (X-rays, ultrasounds, vaccinations, fittings, trimming and clinical records).